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Working In-Person with Jeannine

In-person Craniosacral Healing Session

In Los Angeles, when available – 60 minutes Limited hands-on sessions addressing physical ailments such as recurrent headaches, backaches, and stress as well as creative concerns, loss of focus, difficulty processing grief or trauma. Energy Exchange $200

Virtual Offerings

One-on-One Cranial Alchemy Healing Session

Remote/Distant – 60 minutes This session combines elements of craniosacral therapy and its concepts with a laser-focused energetic scan of your body and its systems to get to the source of your pain rather than work only with the symptoms.  In a virtual healing setting, my energy acts as a radar dish reading the signals from your body. Once the area of greatest constriction, or lowest frequency is identified the session is customized for your healing needs.  This is ideal as an introductory healing session for both physical and somato emotional concerns. Equally beneficial as a holistic prep before a medical procedure. Energy Exchange $175

Alchemize Your Life

7.5 Hour Session Private, Intensive Program Ready for a deep dive into your next level of healing? Step-by-step customized guidance, live and completely focused on you? After a 30 min call to identify both your blocks or dis-ease and your Inspired Desire (what you most want to manifest) let’s customize The Alchemy of Self Healing book into a personal blueprint for your Highest Healing —what YOU need to release and to heal. Each week you will build new habits in a sensory way, layering specially chosen exercises from the book so you can reach your goals and heal both new and old wounds with a sense of ease rather than barrier. Oh, and full disclosure, there will be homework but it will be lighthearted. We will move in the Direction of Ease, which is a craniosacral principle you will fall in love with as a healing tool. Plus you have personal access via email for assistance between sessions with me. Plus, we’ll utilize tools not found in the book, such as the Future Self Vision Quest. Whether you want to shift an old family emotional pattern or a health concern, relationship, weight issue, or trauma trapped in your body organs and tissues, a body intelligence approach yields results and discoveries in a way only sensory work can. By end of week 7.5 you will have new perspective, new tools to ground, focus and create so that you can meet life’s challenges with a fresh set of eyes. These tools can get you out of messy interpersonal situations get you into the higher frequencies of clear, yummy situations so you can create your life anew, from your inner wisdom and no one else’s vision of who you should be.

Other Ways to Work Virtually With Jeannine

Future Self Vision Quest

Available for existing clients only. You may book this after 3 sessions with Jeannine. This can be any combination of a class, in-person craniosacral session or remote sessions. This ensures you will get the most out of this offering. Included in the Alchemize Your Life offering at no charge. During this virtual Quest you’ll be guided through an enlightening 60-minute journey that unveils the pathway to the future you want most. Followed by a separate 30-minute session for support and integration. Energy Exchange $137

Gatekeeper Activation Meditation

Available for existing clients only. You may book this after 3 sessions with Jeannine. This can be any combination of a class, in-person craniosacral session or remote sessions. This ensures you will get the most out of this offering.

The Gatekeeper is the doorwoman to the club that is where your highest self hangs out. Meet her and learn her wisdom during this 1-hour guided journey. Followed by a separate, 30-minute session for support and integration.

Energy Exchange $137

Recommended Reading

by Jeannine Wiest 

Compiled by Upledger Institute International.

A case story of mine is included in this book.